okay, i've been gone for yet another week without blogging. well i was waiting for a few pieces of news to happen before i blog so there's things to blog about (:
well first up (:
went for my driving theory test on thursday!! (: after demorallizingly failing BTT back at home... i'm pleased to announce that i passed my theory test here!! (: and ta-da! my learner's permit to start driving on the road!!! (:

i've been having school this week ): alot of things to really catch up and do. alot of reading up to do ): alot of re-listening to lectures and understanding to do ): but yeah, i dun feel like doing them soon.... ): roar. but i need to do them desperately ): there's too many things i dun understand and cant grapse.
so to cheer myself up...
i baked (: my first attempt at muffins!

okay, i baked it twice to be exact (: you can obviously tell which iz the first try right? yeah, it's the one on the left. haha x) terrible disaster. so modifying the recipe and removing one ridiculous step, ta-da! my perfect muffin on the right (: juz one problem. all my choco chips sank to the bottom ): anyone knows how to rescue it??? X)
so after baking (: i cooked my delicious dinner (:
KANGAROO steak (: with modified make-believe mushroom sauce (:

well it's make believe mushroom sauce cuz i needed broth to make it and wine. but not having both, i juz put the mushrooms, with the onions and garlic and water :p and erm, my steak wasnt cooked enough x) it was RARE. hahaha zomg!
but i'm happy (:
so yupp, the week has been nice for me (: